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İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü


The Fourth Ankara Literature Conference for Graduate and Undergraduate Students “Places and Spaces”

Call for Papers

We are excited to announce the Fourth Ankara Graduate and Undergraduate Students Conference, jointly organised by TED University and Ankara University, to be held in person on 7 March 2024. This year’s theme, “Places and Spaces,” invites students to explore the significance of place in literature, culture, and society. We welcome graduate and undergraduate students from literature departments to submit an abstract (250-300 words), five keywords, and a brief biography (100-200 words) to

We encourage papers that explore diverse interpretations of “place,” whether physical, psychological, digital, or imagined. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Utopian and Dystopian Spaces: Examining idealised or cautionary places in literature and media
  • Place and Disability: How spaces are navigated, represented, or adapted in relation to disability
  • Posthuman Settings: Envisioning spaces in a posthuman world and exploring their societal implications
  • Urban and Rural Spaces: Representations of cities and countryside in literary and cultural contexts
  • The Global and the Local: How global forces influence local places and identities
  • Literary Landscapes: Examining the role of setting in narrative structure and theme
  • Spaces of Memory and Trauma: Exploring places tied to personal or collective memory and trauma
  • Gendered Spaces: Investigating how spaces are shaped or defined by gender roles and identities
  • Colonial and Postcolonial Spaces: The impact of colonialism on places and their representations
  • Digital Spaces and Virtual Realities: Examining online spaces and digital landscapes in cultural contexts
  • Liminal and Transitional Spaces: Discussing spaces of transition, boundary, and change
  • Spaces of Migration and Displacement: Representations of refugee and migrant experiences in literature
  • Queer Spaces: Exploration of spaces that celebrate or challenge queer identities and communities
  • Spaces of Resistance and Rebellion: Examining places associated with social movements and activism
  • Imaginary and Fantasy Worlds: Analysing fictional worlds in literature, film, and popular culture

Creative Showcase: In addition to academic papers, we invite young poets, writers, and artists to display their creative works that reflect on the themes of place and space in poster presentations.

Important Dates:


  • Abstract Submission Deadline: 15 Jan 2025
  • Notification of Acceptance: 1 Feb 2025
  • Conference Date: 7 Mar 2025
Detaylı bilgi için tıklayınız.
Book of Abstracts Book of Abstracts
Conference Program conference-program_2024.pdf

Doğayla Yaşam Akademisi

Gorsel 2

TED Üniversitesi ve EGET Vakfı işbirliğiyle düzenlenen “Doğayla Yaşam Akademisi,” 3-10 Temmuz 2023 tarihleri arasında Marmaris/Turunç’ta bulunan TOVAK Uluslararası Marmaris Akademisi’nde gerçekleştirilecektir.

Doğayla Yaşam Akademisi Etkinlik Programı Doğayla Yaşam Akademisi Etkinlik Programı.

The 2nd Ankara Undergraduate Literature Conference


Due to the recent disaster in Turkey, the conference plans have been revised. The conference will be held online on April 28, 2023. We thank you for your understanding.

Detaylı bilgi için tıklayınız.
Book of Abstracts book-of-abstracts_1.pdf
Conference Program conference-program.pdf
Ogretim Programi

2022-23 akademik yılı güz döneminde veya sonrasında bölümümüze kaydolan öğrenciler için geçerli olan güncel müfredatımıza aşağıdaki bağlantıdan ulaşabilirsiniz.

Güncel müfredat için tıklayınız.
Back to the Roots

A Virtual Student Conference: "Back to the Roots"

Dear students and colleagues, we are delighted to invite you to A Virtual Student Conference: Back to the Roots, which will be co-hosted by TED University and Ankara University on 18 April 2022. Please click at the following link for the conference program and book of abstracts. You may join a session by clicking "Join the Session" button on the program. 

We look forward to seeing you at the conference!

A Virtual Student Conference: Back to the Roots